Good lighting is the cornerstone of good photography. Photography and video can’t exist without light, and while natural light can work well, nothing really beats the control offered by artificial lighting. Our range of continuous LEDs, powerful strobes, flash and special effect lighting will have you covered for anything from talking head interviews, your next music video or fashion shoot.

Rent Lighting Equipment

Are you using continuous lighting, strobe or a speedlight?
How do I know which to use?

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Of course, we’re happy to demonstate all of our equipment and we’re hellbent on making sure you’re feeling confident with our equipment before you head off to your shoot. Whether you want to learn about continous lighting, strobe lighting or I’ve it’s just your first time using a speedlight (on-camera flash), we’ll teach everyone from complete noobs through to experienced professionals.

  • We must consider the size of our subject and the distance of our light sources to determinie whether or not we’ll be able to capture the image we need in combination with our camera settings of shutter speed, aperture and ISO. Strobe lights are more powerful and versatile but they can only be used for photography. Continuous lights are bright enough for photography, but pale in comparison with outdoor daylight. Continous lights are perfect for shooting video and come in a range of sizes for different uses.

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