Cameras / High Speed Cameras

High speed cameras are desirable for photographers who need to take lots of photos with confidence that the camera can keep up. They have exceptional focusing speeds for quick subjects and can shoot rapidly, taking numerous photos per second for long periods of time. They are useful for erratic and fast moving scenarios, such as those found in sports and wildlife.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • High speed cameras work by capturing images at extremely fast frame rates, storing the images in a buffer due to the vast amount of data generated. When the buffer is full, the camera stops recording, allowing the images to be saved to a storage device. This process enables the detailed analysis of fast-moving subjects or events in slow motion.

  • Many Nikon DSLR and mirrorless cameras support high speed sync (HSS) when used with compatible flashes. HSS allows the flash to synchronise with the camera at shutter speeds faster than the camera's native flash sync speed, enabling the use of flash in bright conditions or when using wide apertures. Examples include the Nikon D850, D780, and the mirrorless Z6 and Z7 models, among others.